Controlling Crystalline Glazes

Controlling Crystalline Glazes

Controlling Crystalline Glazes - No Catchers, No Mistakes

Session 1 - April 23rd, 2022 | 1pm - 4pm Eastern
Session 2 - April 30th, 2022 | 1pm - 4pm Eastern
Replays Available Forever

In this workshop Andy Boswell will be showing how he controls crystalline glazes so that every firing is perfect, glaze catchers are not needed and he will share his general philosophy on glazing, glaze tests and glaze research.

The workshop will be split into two parts. In the first part, Andy will introduce 4 glazes and explain their recipes, firing schedule, application and other key details. There will be versions of the glazes for both Cone 10 and Cone 6. Andy will not be holding any details back and while questions will be welcome, the presented information will be comprehensive and thorough enough for you to use these glazes right away.

The second part of the workshop will cover a bit more technical information and Andy’s approach to glaze tests and research. If you want to know how to refine a glaze recipe so that you really know what is going on and how to push it in a specific direction… Andy will be covering how he does this. There will be an emphasis on efficiency and some tools so that you can get more and better information from your glaze tests.

Andy Boswell is a second generation potter and studied Ceramics at the Rochester Institute of Technology under Julia Galloway, Rick Hirsch and Liz Howe. Andy spent his first 10 years out of college as a traditional production potter selling to local galleries and crafts fairs. Along the way he met a Ceramic Engineer named Phil Hamling, who became Andy’s mentor in Crystalline Glazes. In the process of learning these new glazes, Andy took apart his work flow and business model. Andy is still rooted in tradition and you can find his work on Etsy and a few select galleries, but he has rebuilt to have a greater emphasis on research, development and education through videos and workshops.

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Controlling Crystalline Glazes